• أعضاء ملتقى الشعراء الذين لا يمكنهم تسجيل الدخول او لا يمكنهم تذكر كلمة المرور الخاصة بهم يمكنهم التواصل معنا من خلال خاصية اتصل بنا الموجودة في أسفل الملتقى، وتقديم ما يثبت لاستعادة كلمة المرور.

Words Often Confused

10 يوليو 2006
مستوى التفاعل
i come with new subject that can make you learn english by easy way
besides help you to know your mistakes in pronounce and spell some words

Words often confused

والموضوع عبارة عن كلمات
قد تبدو متشابهة في اللفظ أو المعنى مما يؤدي إلى استعمالها في طريقة خاطئة.

Accept / Except

1) Accept

accept is always a verb meaning agree
accept = هي فعل بمعنى يقبل أو يوافق

Example: The mother accepted her child's apology


2) Except

except is sometimes a verb meaning to exclude. if it comes as a preposition, then it means excluding
except = قد تأتي فعل بمعنى ما عدا و قد تأتي حرف جر بمعنى إلاّ

Example: They all went to the party except me

She will accept the conditions except those that deal with her perosnal life

They all accepted to go on a vacation except Mary

Advice / Advise

1) Advice

advice is a noun that means an opinion
هي إسم بمعني نصيحة

Example: The daughter asked her mother's advice

2) Advise

advise is a verb that means to give counsel
هي فعل بمعنى يسدي النصيحة

Example: The teacher advised her students to study well for the test

ِAffect / Effect

1) Affect

Affect is usually a verb meaning to influence
هي عادة تأتي على شكل فعل بمعنى يؤثر

Example: Cold weather affected the crops


2) Effect

Effect is used as a noun meaning result or influence
هي إسم بمعنى نتيجة أو تأثير

ُExample: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin
His protest had no effect
It is also used as a verb to mean to produce as a result or to cause
هي تأتي أيضا فعل بمعنى يحقق أو يسبب

Example: I will effect my purpose; no one shall stop me

Agree to / Agree with

1) Agree to

agree to means to to give consent. this means to agree to a plan
هي فعل بمعنى يوافق على خطة

example: He agreed to accompany the ambassador

2) Agree with

agree with is to agree with another person this means to have the same views
هي فعل بمعنى يتفق مع شخص ما

Example: I don't agree with you

All right / Alright

1) All right

Alright as too words is all right
This means that it is accepted as standard english and it is correctly used
هي كلمة بمعنى حسن جدا و أحيانا تستعمل بمعنى نعم
و إستعمالها على هذا الشكل أي في كلمتين منفصلتين (all right) صحيح

Example: The anwers are all right

2) Alright

Alright is a nonstandard abbreviation meaning all right
This means that it is not accepted as standard english
هي أيضا تعني حسن جدا أو نعم
و لكن إستعمالها خاطئ في اللغة الانجليزية الصحيحة لأنها كلمة عامية

ِAll together / Altogether

1) All together

All together means everyone in a group
تعني الجميع أو الكل في مجموعة

Example: The books lay all together in a heap


2) Altogether

Altogether means completely or entirely
هي كلمة بمعنى بشكل تام أو بشكل عام

Example: Altogether, I'm sorry it happened

Bases / Basis

1) Bases

Bases means the underlying supports
كلمة بمعني القاعدات أو الأساسات (عادة تستعمل للديث عن الأمور الحسية / المادية)

Example: I saw a skyscraper built on a base of solid rock


2) Basis

Basis means the groundwork
كلمة بمعنى أساس (عادة تستعمل للدلالة على الأمور المعنوية)

Example: The nurse is paid on an hourly basis

Beside / Besides

1) Beside

Beside means by the side of
كلمة بمعنى بجانب (قرب)

Example: Sit down beside me


2) Besides

Besides means also or in addition to or moreover
كلمة بمعنى بالإضافة إلى

Example: Besides these honors he received a sum of money

Coarse / Course

1) Coarse

caorse means rough
كلمة بمعنى خشن أو غير لائق

Example: He had coarse manners but an absolutely first-rate mind


2) Course

a- course can be onward movement, or a series of studies
كلمة قد تأتي بمعني سياق الأمور أو دورة (فصل تعليمي)

Example: in the course of events
a four-year course in engineering

b- course can also mean a part of a meal served at one time
قد تأتي أيضا بمعنى جزء من وجبة طعام

Example: The first course was a delicious soup

Aid / Aide

1) Aid

aid means to give help
فعل بمعنى يساعد

Example: Many volunteers wanted to aid the homeless victims of the fire.

2) Aide

aide means an assistant or helper
كلمة بمعنى مساعد أو معاون

Example: One of the senator's aides is calling

Desert / Dessert

1) Desert

desert means a place of little rainfall
المعنى بالعربي "صحراء"

Example: The Sahara is a vast sandy desert


2) Dessert

Dessert means sweets or the like served at the end of a meal
المعنى بالعربي "الحلوة أو التحلية"

Example: For dessert there's apple pie, cheesecake or fruit

Later / Latter

1) Later

Later means more late
المعنى بالعربي "لاحقا"

Example: She arrived on the ferry, and he came later


2) Latter

Latter means the second of two people, things or groups previously mentioned
المعنى بالعربي "الأخير - أي المذكور أخيرا"

Example: I prefer the latter offer to the former one


Morning / Mourning

1) Morning

Morning is the early part of the day
المعنى العربي = الصباح

Example: I spent the morning running errands

2) Mourning

Mourning is sorrowing or lamentation
المعنى العربي = الحِداد

ُExample: Shops will be closed today as a sign of mourning for the king

Fair / Fare

1) Fair

Fair means just, not bad
المعنى العربي = عادل أو مقبول

Example: It's not fair that she's allowed to go and I'm


2) Fare

Fare is a price for travel
المعنى العربي = الأجرة

Example: He hadn't enough money for his bus fare

Pale / Pail

1) Pale

Pale means without much color or light
المعنى العربي = خافت أو شاحب

Example: You're looking pale - do you feel ill


2) Pail

Pail means bucket
المعنى العربي = دلو - سطل

Example: Fill the pail with sand

Like / Such as

1) Like

Like is used for resemblances / similarities
تستعمل Like للحديث عن الشبه

Example: He works like a beaver


2) Such as

Such as is used for examples
تستعمل Such as لإعطاء امثلة

Example: She adores the English novels of manners, such as those by Austen and Trollope

and dont forget
you can add more
رد: Words Often Confused

إشراقة الأمل

you are welcome honey

i`m extermely think that every English learner have to know the differences between this words

so i wait others
رد: Words Often Confused

شكرا جزيلا علي هذه الفائدة العامة والهامة وكانها غمامة اظلتنا ثم امطرت علينا لؤلؤ من نرجس
رد: Words Often Confused

انا لست بشاعر بل مشارك للشعراء احاسيسهم ووجدانهم