• أعضاء ملتقى الشعراء الذين لا يمكنهم تسجيل الدخول او لا يمكنهم تذكر كلمة المرور الخاصة بهم يمكنهم التواصل معنا من خلال خاصية اتصل بنا الموجودة في أسفل الملتقى، وتقديم ما يثبت لاستعادة كلمة المرور.

" Wait For You "

30 أغسطس 2008
مستوى التفاعل
بــ ع ــيونه ..!
Salam 3leekom
how r u ?

a song , i dore what it's sayed in it
so when i remembered it i copy it 4 u 2 enjoy reading it

n i hope u like it too

" it's like that i'am singing it , cause its suit me " :rolleyes:

Wait For You


I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you
I'm wishing that you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go ?
You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone

boy, you could have stayed
but you wouldn't give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more then I can stand
And all my tears they keep running down my face
Why did you turn away



So why does your pride make you run and hide ?
Are you that afraid of me ?
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you want it to be



So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you



It's been a long time since you called me
How could you forget about me
You got me feeling crazy
How can you walk away
Everything stays the same
I just can't do it baby
What will it take to make you come back
boy, I told you what it is & it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me
, your still in love with me
Don't leave me crying



Baby why can't we just start over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance I can love you right
But your telling me it wont be enough



I'll Be Waiting
رد: " Wait For You "

ياقلب قلبــــــي ..
كلمــات تقلّب المــواجـــع ..
وجات ع الوتــر الحــساس ..

~ [mark=006699]أميرة الأبجديــة[/mark] ~
اتقنتــي بانتــقاء هذه الكلمــات ..
لكِ باقــة ميوة :p

تسلم اناملش عيوني ..
ولا تحاتين بردون الاعضاء عماً قريب :d

رد: " Wait For You "

سُبْحَانَ مَنْ خَلَقَ الأبْجَدِيّةْ !

وَتَوَجَكِ لَهـَا أمِيرَةْ :)

يـَاَ رَبَّةَ الـْ مَشَاعِ ـرْ

إكْلِيلْ وَرْدْ لِـ أنَاكِ .. مُتَوَجْ بـِ شُكْراً لكِ

وَأيّنَعَتْ حُروُفَكِ أقْحُوَانَاتٌ

تَرَبَعَتْ عَلَىْ عَرْشَ الفُؤادْ

مِنْ شَذَاكِ .. لَاَ حُرِمْنَا

شمسٌ دافـِئة
رد: " Wait For You "

&&.. سراب انثى ..&&
و ردٍ بحلاوة السكر
شكراً غلاتو
و لك باقة خضرة :p

الله يسلمك .. ان شاء الله :)

&&.. شمسٌ دافئة ..&&
اخجلتني باطرائك
حللت فأنرتِ .. فأسعدتني
لك شكراً جزيل :)

مروركن كان جديراً برسم ابتسامة

انتظر المتبقين ;)
رد: " Wait For You "

السلام عليكم

شكرا اخيتي اميره
على هذا الطرح الجميل ..

لا حرمنا من قادمكِ

رد: " Wait For You "

this lyrics by elliott+yamin+
I really like it this song
thanks a lot
we waiting for more